I lead the technology work here at the UNDP in NY. I inherited the portal – CliamteTechWiki – and I am doing some thinking about possible future use and collaboration. You may also be aware of it from our partner organizations – UNEP Riso, Joint Implementation Network etc. . The timing is pertinent as I have already secured funds to consult users and to add functionalities and info if we deem that to be useful, so your thoughts on this would be very useful. Also – we are looking to partner with other organizations in terms of connecting to their information and I would be interested in discussing opportunities to do this with your portal. One area where we are adding some content soon is on adaptation technologies – and I would like to see how we could collaborate on this.
Finally, we will be hosting a webinar to try and solicit feedback on the tool and hope to send you some more information on that soon.
I look forward to chatting further,
Take care
Hilary McMahon
Climate and Technology Policy Expert
Tel: +1 212 906 6755
Joined 2011