I am founding member of Institute BARCA da director of knowledge management. Founding partner at Gestao Origami a sustainable business consulting firm where I've been developing sustainability projects for companies like Petrobras, EDP, Pepsico, Votorantim Group, Pernambucanas, CTEEP, Itaú-Unibanco, Duke Energy and British Embassy. From 2004-12, I was advisor to the Center for Sustainability at the Methodist University of Sao Paulo where I was also a lecturer in disciplines related to sustainable development, including distance learning. In the past, I participated in projects at ICLEI, Brasilinvest and ERM-Brazil. Economist (2001), with a Masters in Environment and Development from the LSE – London School of Economics (2003), specialized in Education for Sustainability at Schumacher College (2008) and in Business of Oil, Gas and Biofuel at FIA (2008). I am LEAD Fellow - Climate Security Program (2009).
Joined 2013