Imad-eldin Ali Babiker
Imad-eldin Ali Babiker
Imad-eldin A. Ali Babiker, PhD is a Professor in soil-water management/ climate change adaptation at Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) and Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Omdurman Ahlia University (OAU) in Sudan and currently (October, 1st 2017 – 30th September 2018) is an International Visiting Professor at the Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, Japan. His research is on applied soil and water management with special focus on dry-land rainfed agriculture for food production, livelihood improvements and ecosystems services to deliver evidence- based support for local and national policy and investments opportunities in sustainable equitable development. His Activities are being undertaken several project partnerships, in Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. He participated as a reviewer of the Working Group III (WGIII) contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). He was invited and participated as expert on the development of the outlines for the “IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems”. He, also, Served as an expert peer reviewer to the UNCCD-SPI document "Sustainable Land Management contribution to successful land based climate change adaptation and mitigation” [not published yet]. This document was prepared by the SPI upon request by the Conference of Parties of the UNCCD in October 2015 (UNCCD COP-12). He made contributions towards policy activities and Sudan-NAPA formulation and releasing climate change adaptation technologies for dry land rainfed agriculture in Sudan. He is a member of the Scientific Board of Sudan Climate Change Network (SCCN). Effectively and actively he was involved in the development of the African position statement for decision on issues related to agriculture by the climate change conference of parties and SBSTA under the UNFCC as a member of the African Group Negotiator Expert Support (AGNES). He acts as reviewer to Japanese Government Scholarship in Sudan for Graduate Studies. He served as a scientific reviewer for the AMBIO and several international, regional and local journals. Prof. Ali Babiker is author/co-author for more than 20 peer reviewed papers and developed various extension material and various technical reports. He served as the Sudan National Coordinator of several projects. Some of these projects had profound achievements and impacts on improving the climate change adaptive capacity of the local communities. Successful stories of this project were internationally recognized, reported and published in the IAEA official web site:
Summary of Experience and Skills
• Professor in soil-water management/ climate change adaptation at the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Omdurman Ahlia University (OAU).
• Research activities are focused on applied climate adaption on soil and water management in dry-land rainfed agriculture for food production, livelihood improvements and ecosystems services to deliver evidence- based support for local and national policy and investments opportunities in sustainable equitable development.
• Undertaken several project coordination and partnerships, in Sudan and Africa regions, such as: “Climate change prediction in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and adaptation” – CLIMAFRICA - (, “Managing Risks, Reducing Vulnerability and Enhancing Agricultural Productivity under a Changing Climate” which was implemented in Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.
• Participated dynamically and successfully in the write up and submission of a regional project on “ENHANCING CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN AGRICULTURE AND WATER RESOURCES IN THE GREATER HORN OF AFRICA” together with collaborators (Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, and Tanzania).
• Served as the Sudan National Coordinator of several projects. Some of these projects had profound achievements and impacts on improving the climate change adaptive capacity of the local communities. Successful stories of this project were internationally recognized, reported and published in the IAEA official web site:
• Effectively and actively involved in the development of the African position statement for decision on issues related to agriculture by the climate change conference of parties and SBSTA under the UNFCC as a member of the African Group Negotiator Expert Support (AGNES).
• Participated as a reviewer of the Working Group III (WGIII) contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).
• Participated as an invited expert on the development of the outlines for the “IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems”
• Served as an expert peer reviewer to the UNCCD-SPI document "Sustainable Land Management contribution to successful land based climate change adaptation and mitigation” [not published yet]. This document was prepared by the SPI upon request by the Conference of Parties of the UNCCD in October 2015 (UNCCD COP-12).
• Made contributions towards policy activities and Sudan-NAPA formulation and releasing climate change adaptation technologies for dry land rainfed agriculture in Sudan.
• Serves as a member on the Scientific Board of Sudan Climate Change Network (SCCN).
• Served as a scientific reviewer for the AMBIO and several international, regional and local journals.
• Author/co-author more than 20 peers reviewed papers and developed various extension material and various technical reports.
• 15 years’ experience in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in and Environmental sciences
• 30 years’ experience in applied scientific research and research projects management
• Design of training and instructions modules
• Directed training programs and research projects in various contexts
• Training needs analysis and capacity building assessment and evaluation
• Development of instructional training plans
• Published scientific research papers in refereed professional journals
• Traveled extensively in Asia, Europe, Africa and America to participate in local and international conferences and workshops
• Excellent working knowledge of Windows, DOS and Macintosh operating systems, data management software, instructional and educational software, statistical applications, calculations and worksheets software, graphic and drawing software, word processing software
Joined 2020

Khartoum, SudanAdd your project
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