PhD in Gender and Development Studies, Jummai has over 13 years of professional experience in research, developing and managing programs and projects related to gender, community development, health, agriculture, and climate change adaptation in developing and transitional countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Jummai has been employed by a diverse range of organizations, including a governmental organization, community-based NGOs and an international research institute. Jummai’s skills/research interests include gender mainstreaming in development program and interventions; conducting gender mainstreaminganalysis, participatory knowledge elicitation; socio-institutional network analysis; communication and knowledge management; economic assessment of climate adaptation; the dynamics of customary rights and access regimes; role of property rights and collective action in poverty reduction; multi-level linkages in resource governance; understanding property rights in land and natural resource management; Tenurial rights and the role of culture/traditions in determining rights; Interphase of gender in agriculture and forestry; factors influencing land use decision making; forests and food security; construction of and demand for resource rights, how communities face and respond to competing demands for resources, and the role of grassroots mobilisation and organisations in these processes; and investigating the interplay between social and ecological systems; robust decision making modeling; mixed methods for data collection and analysis:. In addition, Jummai has experiences with a broad range of research skills including GIS and remote sensing analysis.
Joined 2013