Research and Documentation Officer (Geospatial Scientist)
Badru is a Geospatial Data Analyst, information systems and disaster early warning proffessional. He grew up in Kyanja, Kampala, Uganda where he earned a BSc. at Islamic University in Information Technology. Badru has broad interest ranging from Information technology, Humantarian response, geography information systems, data analysis, agriculture remote sensing, food security to climate change. He has worked with the United Nations Development Programme Resilience to Climate Change Unit, Office of Prime Minister’s Department of Disaster Management and Refugees, National Emergency Coordination & Operations Centre, Mildmay Uganda and IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre, Nairobi Kenya as a crop conditions assessment expert. Badru also serves as the National Crop conditions assessment Expert for the GEOGLAM Uganda Crop Monitor Tool that contributes to development of the Eastern Africa Crop Monitor Bulletin coordinated by IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) and University of Maryland. His graduate research is focused on Impacts of Refugee inflection on land use, land cover change and livelihoods in the west Nile region of Uganda.
Joined 2019
Refugee Law Project, Makerere University