Economic Consultant
King Carl Tornam Duho, ACMA CGMA CA is a CIMA Qualified Accountant, ACCA Prize‐winner, award‐winning reviewer and an economic consultant with experience in academia, business, and public policy. He is currently an IMF Youth Fellow interested in international development issues. He has consulted for UNICEF, GIZ, the Royal Netherlands Embassy, Plan International, Development Reimagined, and IMANI. King runs a start-up, Dataking Consulting ( and was engaged as a finance researcher by the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). He published over 15 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 15 policy/working papers. He holds a Master’s degree and his research combines the broad areas of economics, finance, accounting and public policy with the aim of solving international development issues. He was Ghana’s delegate to the World Bank Group Youth Summit 2021, a Savvy Fellow, and a McKinsey Forward Africa alumni. King is a member of the technical discussion group of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) on Intangibles. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana.
Joined 2021