Am Certified Sustainable Building Advisor (LEED Lv4) specializing in energy demand reduction strategies as a matter of fiscal responsibility. I work with small business and homeowners, municipalities, institutions, planners and policymakers. Over 25 years studying and following research and observational data on Global Warming with focus on cryosphere. Trained Transition Town facilitator, outreach educator with over 100 video discussions planned and executed. Member Post Carbon Institute, ASPO,, Delaware Valley Green Building Council and a founder of Warminster Township (PA) Environmental Advisory Council (10 years). Founder & CEO Ivyland Veterans Green Jobs Project. Use my Bucks County PA Home as test bed for low-cost energy efficiency and conservation measures. Backyard wildlife sanctuary. College trained artist/designer, professional sailor, serious background in public safety and Emergency medical Service Systems wi. disaster background. Etc.
Joined 2015
Ivyland Veterans Green Jobs Project and BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship