I am a resourceful, motivated, and enthusiastic individual with a passion to contribute towards the advancement of sustainable economic development. I am passionate about the development of a climate-resilient world.
I hold a Master of Science degree in Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security from the National University of Ireland Galway, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture Economics from the University of Zambia.
I possess over 4 years of experience working at the edge of sustainable agriculture development among small-holder farmers in Zambia. My work has mainly focused on sustainable crop production, bioenergy, climate change mitigation, and adaptation, and supporting the circular bioeconomic development model. I believe that this platform will provide a unique platform to contribute positively to scaling knowledge and innovation on climate change, water use efficiency, agriculture, and food security.
Joined 2022
National University of Ireland Galway
Chongwe District, Zambia