Mr.AmnockMahugnonAKPOisan economist by training. After hismaster's degree in2004 at the Universityof Abomey-Calavi in Republic of Benin it has invested heavily in local development.Successively Head of Financial Affairsfrom 2005 to 2010 and Head of Planning,Resource Mobilizationand External Development of Local2010 to date respectivelyin the municipalities of Djakotomey and Allada,Mr.Amnock Mahugnon alsopositions assumed charge of Decentralized Cooperation,coordination of the Support Fundfor the Promotion of Crafts(FAPA),National Project Development Support Communities Conduit(PNDCC) at the municipal level, the project to Support Local Authorities(PACT) project to Support the Management of Communal Forests(PAGEFCOM). It isthe focal point of several programs and projects at local level such as the Growth Strategy for Poverty Reduction(GPRS), the Project of Support to Decentralization and Local Development.These keystrategic positions have made him a top professional in the field oflocal development.Thisallowed him todevelop skills critical situations and somehow fill the expectations ofhis superiors. To deepen understand in gand approach climate change and in corporate environmentand the interactions between companies in its daily questt ofind solutions to the various problems faced by our people was selected and formed by the International Program Advanced Training in Climate Changeof the Swedish Meteorology and Hydrology Institute.
Joined 2012
Municipality of Allada