Climate Change Consultant
Civil Engineer with a Master Degree in Environmental and Water Resources Management. Assessor, Auditor, Manager, Policy Analysis and Coordinator of Climate Change projects during the last 11 years. Furthermore, 9 years as Environmental Manager in the Cement and Mining Industry; and 3 years of Academic Research in Environmental Policy and Water Resources Management Systems. In-depth knowledge of Sustainability, GHG Mitigation, GHG Monitoring & Reporting System, Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience. Broad experience of Environment Management Systems, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, EHS Auditing, and Community Relationship Management. Expert in the design of methodological procedures under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Qualified professional for GHG emission reduction projects on thermal energy generation, renewables, energy demand, cement & lime production, mining & mineral production, aluminium & magnesium production, fugitive emissions from oil &gas and solid waste and wastewater. Experience in Iron & Steel, Metals, Non-conventional Energy Sources (Biofuels, Methane Gas, Biomass, Biocharcoal), Land Used & Forestry and Urban Activities (Cities). Experience in Climate Risk Assessment, Adaptation Plans and Watershed Management. Proven ability to Manage Cross-Culturally, having conducted GHG projects and environmental analyses in 17 countries on 3 continents including the U.S., Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, China, and India. Member of Gold Standard Foundation GSF Energy Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Oversight & Assurance Panel. Environmental Auditor ISO14001.
Joined 2016