Sustainability Specialist: Adaptation and Resilience
I am an Environmentalist that is passionate about sustainability planning and implementation at the local level of government. I am currently employed as a Sustainability Specialist within the local government environment (City of Tshwane (CoT) Metropolitan Municipality). My current role involves promoting issues of Climate Change within the Municipality with special focus on developing strategies that will promote Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and build resilience. I have expertise in environmental health, environmental management, occupational hygiene and social issues. Within my current job I am responsible for translating business strategy into workable plans that will ensure that the Municipality will adhere to sustainability policies, procedures and protocols. The subjects of sustainable development goals (SDG’s), green buildings and sustainability reporting are topics that are of interest to me.
I have interest in showcasing Cities as hubs that are well situated to reshape social and economic growth and also usher an era of climate safe sustainable development. Interest is highly on the implementation of SDG’s in local government as their success will be determined, above all, in towns and Cities where people live and work.
Joined 2015