Mukelabai NDIYOI
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Mukelabai NDIYOI
Mr Ndiyoi is a graduate in agronomy with a minor in farming systems research and rural development from the University of Florida in 1988. He has worked in rural development and Agricultural Research in particular since 1981
Key Relevant Experience:
2013 to date Director of Research at UBL with interest in Improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through improving access to technology that they will use to improve and sustain productivity. Open to collaborating with government programmes, NGOs and International research programmes. Offers an introductory course in statistics in the school of natural resources.
November – December 2013 Co-I in a pre-feasibility assessment team fielded by Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility - CRIDF to identify and agree with MAL and UNDP - GEF which of the on-going activities could potentially be supported by CRIDF and what the nature of that support may be (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/climate-resilient-infrastructure-development-facility-cridf/)
Jan-6 to 21 March 2011 Principal investigator, Impact assessment of the Food Crop Diversification Project (FODIS). The goal of the Project was to enhance food security at regional and household levels in drought prone areas of Zambia by assisting small-scale farmers in increasing the production and consumption of food crops alternative to maize.
June – September 2009 Team Leader, Conducted a situation analysis of Agricultural water management practices for smallholder in Zambia in support of The Agricultural Water Management (AWM) Solutions Project.
Dec 2007 –Jan 2008 Team leader responsible for evaluating the DFID funded Flood Response Project in Western Province. The evaluation looked at the benefits of canal clearing in reducing the risk of quick onset disasters in subsequent seasons.
August 2005 Carried out analysis showing the points of vulnerability for the Bulozi system of Western Province making it likely that such vulnerabilities can be addressed. Findings presented in “Reduction of Vulnerability and Poverty: An Analysis of Household Livelihood Systems Prevalent in the Barotse Plains”.
Joined 2017

Mongu, ZambiaAdd your project
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