Weather Observation Officer
I work in Meteo Rwanda since 2009 ,at various positions and responsibilities ( Observation, forecasting, Instrumentation engineer, Ag. Division Manager-IT Division,...) and from 2016 I am a master of climate change adaptation student in University of Nairobi. where my thesis research topic is" CLIMATE INFORMATION USE FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMER’S DECISION-MAKING IN SUSTAINABLE ADAPTATION IN RWANDA" with follow objectives:
i. Assess the perspectives and use of climate related information by smallholder farmers’ farming decision-making.
ii. Explore the availability, accessibility, dissemination and challenges of climate information in Meteo Rwanda for smallholder farmers in Rwanda.
iii. Assess and evaluate the effectiveness of Channels/links through them producing and delivering the Climate Information to smallholder-famers.
iv. Identify the indigenous and modern adaptation practices used by farmers in the area.
Case study: Ruhango District.
Thank you
Joined 2018
Rwanda Meteorology Agency/ University of Nairobi