Invigoratingly challenged by developing a social purpose organisation delivering a positive impact that will assist in the eradication of the continuing poverty that occurs in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). We want to be an independent unaligned body of researchers and reporters that concentrate solely on finding a long-lasting solution through means of access to trade markets for rural farmers and rural people. We need to replace international aid as it is misused, prone to corruption and rarely helps the people in need out of poverty. These behaviours hurt not help economic development, there needs to be a change and soon.
Within the next five years, we want to become a world-leading Think Tank in Poverty alleviation. Not only will we be looking at agricultural trade as a resolution but also the introduction of Blockchain Technology to create secure decentralised supply chains for the providers. Because let’s face it, it is ludicrous to accept people dying of starvation or malnutrition in the 21st Century!
Joined 2018
existence before essence, economic and social research
Montpelier, France