My name is Patricks-Ekedede, Chinemerem. I am a Nigerian, driven and motivated by my passion for environmental sustainability, climate change problem solving especially as relates to climate change education and knowledge exchange, climate risk management and vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation planning/financing and the need to build sustainable and climate resilient futures for city/urban dwellers and rural community dwellers.
I am strongly committed towards ensuring positive actions towards the realization of actions and projects for sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation including sustainable solutions that will lead to the achievement of climate resilient and SMART sustainable development pathways and approaches to tackle climate change as required by SDG number 13 which if achieved will influence and affect the realization of other SDG’s such as SDG numbers1, 2, 3,6,7,9,11,12,14 and15 thereby promoting sustainable life styles that will conserve and protect our planet (human populations and ecosystems). I have a university bachelor degree (B.Sc. Hons) in Geology and a master’s degree (M.Phil) in Environmental Management. My other post-graduation qualifications include an International Environmental Law Certificate from UNITAR which was achieved in the year 2010 through the UNITAR e-learning platform. I also achieved the UNITAR/UN: CC Learn certificate in Climate Change in 2014 and the University of Geneva certificate in Climate Change Adaptation: Case of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through the e-Learning platform in 2015. I have also earned additional certificates from the UN: CC Learn platform on climate change impacts on Cities and health as well as the UN: CC Learn certificate in REDD+ Academy. I was trained as a Climate Reality leader from the USA based climate advocacy organization called Climate Reality Inc. in 2021 and I earned the certificate as a Climate Reality leader. I passed the United Kingdom NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management certification course and I have a Viral Change practitioner accreditation certificate from Viral Change International LLP of Chalfont Project, London, UK. I am a certified OSHAcademy trainer as well as an EMS ISO 14001 Lead auditor in Environment Management Systems. My training as a climate reality leader has equipped me with competencies geared towards promoting energy efficiency, low carbon development, forest ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation, sustainable waste management practices, sanitation, water conservation as well as REDD+ to ensure sustainable forestry, forest SMART investments and positive forest governance. I do all these through what I call an “Actively caring culture for climate resilience and environmental sustainability”
b. Currently I am engaged in a climate change learning and knowledge exchange programme which is geared towards building human, institutional and infrastructural capacities towards a climate change knowledge economy that supports innovative thinking, creative research, learning and development that will further bridge the knowledge gap and skill deficit to climate change adaptation, climate change risk management and the need for resilience. This knowledge programme has enabled me to complete and publish the following books:
i. Understanding Climate Change and building resilience: focus on Africa
ii. Niger Delta Forest and Vegetation Cover: understanding its importance
I am very fluent in speaking, reading and writing in English language. This can be demonstrated by the various researches, training and workshops/seminar sessions that I have supported to facilitate across audiences of diverse cultural and faith background. My English language fluency and proficiency can also be attested for by my numerous published books such as:
i. Understanding Climate Change and Building Resilience : Focus on Africa (2020)
ii. Scientific Expert Witnessing in Environmental Litigation” (Published 2010),
iii. Building a Career in Environmental Journalism” (Published 2012),
iv. Environment & Development: Memoirs from Stockholm to Rio” (Published 2014),
v. Environment & Sustainable Development in Oil/Gas Exploration & Production: Lessons from UNEP Environmental Assessment of Ogoniland Nigeria’s Niger Delta and BP Gulf of Mexico Deep Water Horizon 2010 incident” (published 2015)
vi. The journal “ClimateTimes” (ISSN2449-1470) published since 2014 to date.
vii. Niger Delta Forests: Understanding its importance - published in 2020
viii. Climate Change resilience through adaptation, mitigation and ecosystem disaster risk reduction (EcoDRR) across Niger Delta communities ( a conference paper)
ix. A projection of future climate refugee growth rate in south eastern Nigeria ( a conference abstract and paper)
Joined 2022
PORT HARCOURT, Rivers, NigeriaAdd your project
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