Civil Engineering Professional and Charted Engineer with 13 years of experience in Industry and Academia. Recieved a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering with a Geotechnical Engineering specialization from IIT Roorkee and Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad. Currently, working as a Principal Lecturer in Civil Engineering at the School of Building and Civil Engineering, Fiji National University (FNU), and soon to be a Research Scholar for the F2F Doctoral Program at the School of Built Environment, Massey University, Auckland, NZ. Experienced in various large infrastructure projects in Malaysia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Oman, and India. His experience as a PMC (Project Management Construction) Engineer primarily comes from railway siding projects for oil refineries and steel manufacturing plants. Further, engaged with the design, construction, and execution of Railway Projects with different stakeholders at various levels. As an Academician, taught courses at many levels, from Diploma to Master’s in Civil Engineering in India, Ethiopia, and Fiji. Being a program leader for five years at FNU, led the BE (Honours) Civil Engineering program towards ENZ accreditation under the Washington accord. Moreover, as an active researcher in Geotechnical Engineering, Sustainability in Civil Engineering, and allied areas such as Life Cycle Assessment, Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (CCAR), and DRR & NBS for Civil Infrastructure.Enthusiastically attending for CPD (Continuing Professional Development) activities of Civil Eng, CCAR & DRR. Published several peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Has been a reviewer, a Member of international advisory boards for conferences, and a Member of International collaborative research groups. An alumnus of IIT Roorkee and an ERASMUS+ recipient of the staff mobility program at the University of Valladolid, Spain, from FNU. He has affiliations with international professional bodies in UK, USA, NZ, Fiji, and India. Keynote Speaker for a two-day “International Knowledge Exchange Workshop” for the ACU-British Council Commonwealth Future Commonwealth Futures Climate Research Cohort organised by Commonwealth Climate Resilience Network, 26-27 May 2021. Has been invited as a Keynote Speaker to deliver a session on "Building a Water Resilient Pacific.SDG6, are we there yet? focusing towards Water & Sanitation, Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities in the Pacific at the 13th Pacific Water & Wastewater Conference, 14-18 November’2022, at Denarau Island, Nadi, Fiji.
Joined 2022
Suava, Central Region, FijiAdd your project
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