Founder Trustee & Chairman
Dr. Pradeep Mehta has a PhD in Forestry and management course on Project development and Management from Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands. He is an expert on Forestry issues having worked on a range of environmental issues as part his professional stints with INGOs and Bilateral agencies including Appropriate Technology Asia, Earthwatch, Clean Air Asia, GIZ (German Development Cooperation) to name a few. He has worked extensively with the communities in the Indian Himalaya Region over the years undertaking collaborative research on biodiversity & ecosystem services and development projects on livelihoods, conservation, energy, education & health at the community level. Dr Pradeep is the Honorary Chairman of Central Himalayan Institute for Nature & Applied Research (CHINAR - a member of Mountain Partnership) committed for sustainable mountain development and livelihoods of the mountain communities.
He has received NUFFIC Fellowship; FAO's Fellowship for IPROMO (2017) and Summer School on Agrobiodiversity in a Changing Climate (2018). He is member of various IUCN Commission's (i.e., Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM); IUCN Commission on Environment Communication (CEC); IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)) and also South Asia Representative of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) mountain specialist group committee. He is also in the Strategic Advisory Board of XSoS.
Joined 2021
CHINAR (Central Himalayan Institute for Nature And Applied Reaseach)
Nainital, Uttarakhand, India