Professor & International Consultant
Professor Jimmy Adegoke was most recently (March 2020 – August 2020) a senior consultant with the Climate Change and Green Growth Department of the African Development Bank Group. He is a tenured faculty member at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) where he was Chair of the Department of Geosciences (now Earth & Environmental Sciences) from 2008 to 2010. Professor Adegoke served as Interim Executive Director/CEO of the West African Science Service Center for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) from April to December 2017 and was previously Executive Director of the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) Division, Pretoria, South Africa from 2010 to 2012. Professor Adegoke is an award winning climate scientist and globally recognized environmental leader whose work cuts across science, climate policy, environmental governance and cross-institutional capacity building. His recent research focuses on societal impacts of environmental change, including air pollution studies in rapidly changing mid-latitude urban areas, water cycle processes in sub-Saharan Africa and climate impacts on coastal ecosystems across multiple locations in Africa. His research has been funded by agencies such as NASA, US National Science Foundation and the African Development Bank. Professor Adegoke also recently served as Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Agricultural Resilience in Nigeria (ACARN), which was commissioned in 2014 by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) to develop a national program on climate adaption and agricultural resilience for Nigeria. Professor sits on multiple international science advisory boards/committees. He maintains permanent residence in Kansas City where he was an appointee of the Mayor of Kansas City Missouri (KCMO) on the city’s Environmental Management Commission (EMC).
Joined 2021
University of Missouri Kansas City
Kansas City, MO, United States