Technical Expert in Kiribati
Ms. Cross is a driven strategist with over 17 years of professional experience in financial services operations, marketing, and project management. In recent years she has held numerous consultancy positions in Kiribati’s development sector, which stems from her dedicated interest in social impact, capacity building, Pacific aid, and sustainable development opportunities in Kiribati. She is the Founder of the Tungaru Climate Alliance, a board member of Kindling Kiribati – Small Business Development, and President of the Rotary Club of Tarawa. Ms. Cross has developed community programs and projects to address challenges in Kiribati relating to economic empowerment of women, adaptation and mitigation efforts in climate change, sanitation, the environment, health care, education, and business. The President of Kiribati recently awarded Ms. Cross the Kiribati Order of Merit for aid efforts and programs totalling more than $2 million to date.
Ms. Cross is presently engaged in multiple development roles concurrently, including as an Agribusiness Trainer and Pacific Green Entrepreneurship Consultant at the Global Green Growth Institute; a Climate Finance Project Associate (Consultant) at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development supporting coordination of Kiribati’s engagement with multilateral sources of climate financing; an as an in-country Team Lead for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP, as well as for the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PACRES).
Joined 2022
Urano, Tarawa, Kiribati