Biologist, Climate Change Adaptation Specialist
I am a biologist, and environmental and climate change adaptation practitioner with Aster Group Environmental Services Co-op in New Brunswick ( I was the New Brunswick coordinator for the Atlantic Canada Regional Adaptation Collaborative (ACASA, from 2010 to 2013, and have been working with the province of NB, municipalities, land use planners and environmental organizations on various climate change adaptation files and projects since then. My specific interests lie in the area of natural systems, how they are changing and how we need to change our approach to conservation in a changing climate, as well as their role in reducing and mitigating impacts from climate change. I hold a BA in Natural Resource Studies from Trent University, a Master’s in Environmental Studies from the Université de Moncton, and a PhD in Biology from the University of NB.
Joined 2018
Sackville, NB, Canada