SM Farid Uddin Akhter
SM Farid Uddin Akhter
Have 27 years of working experience in the field of Community based adaptation in climate change, Community managed disaster risk reduction, Disaster preparedness and management, Disaster risk reduction, Relief operation, Rehabilitation, Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, Community development, Microcredit management, Social mobilization and Education for children and adult.
Have worked at natural disaster prone areas such as Sandwip, Hatiya, Nijhumdwip, worked in political conflict area Chittagong Hill Tracts, worked in a multi-national and multi-cultural team and environment. My entire working life required regular collaboration with government departments, Local Government Leaders, Traditional tribal leader, NGOs and line agency.
Being with Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (Swiss & Japan project) under its Disaster Preparedness Program supervised Social mobilization, Community Organization, Training, Health program, Education for children and adult, organize Volunteer and their skill development, construction supervision of Cyclone Shelters and Cluster Villages, Relief Distribution, Microcredit for Hardcore poor , khas land distribution in collaboration with government, NGO and LGI leader.
Worked with “South Asia Poverty Alleviation Programme”- UNDP an integrated rural development program where the key activities mobilization of the villagers to village organizations (VOs), linking the VOs with government departments, union parishads, banks and other NGOs operating in the area that bridge the gap between service provider and recipient that leads to comprehensive development of the villagers emphasizing poorer first. In Chittagong Hill Tract WATSAN project implemented water supply and sanitation facilities in partnership with local NGOs in collaboration with traditional and local government leaders.
Have expertise in participatory monitoring and evaluation, process monitoring, participatory learning and action (PLA) and participatory action plan development (PAPD). My previous employer was BRAC, BDRCS (Swiss & Japan Red Cross), UNDP, Danida. As an independent consultant I have worked with different national and international NGO. Since 2004 I am working as Secretariat In-charge (Volunteer) of sasrai-Movement that promotes prudent and sustainable consumption and conservation, optimum use and reduce the abuse of resources. Recently I am attributed as ClimateChamp.
Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences.
Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth
Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire
sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity
Please send us your suggestion, comment via email: [email protected]
sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global
Joined 2011

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