Tim Read
Tim Read
I am passionate about working with communities who are taking collaborative action to create a safe and socially just living space for humanity in harmony with Nature.
Nature has intrinsic value and humans are part of nature, however, we are currently breaching multiple planetary boundaries.
- advocacy and campaign planning
- project management
- community development
- ecological assessment and planning
- community organising
Humanity faces significant environmental and social challenges, including climate change and biodiversity crises. Social justice, health, and wellbeing are dependent on harmony with Nature. I am particularly interested in exploring the nexus between biodiversity, food/fibre production, and water.
To achieve a vision of a safe and socially just living space in harmony with nature we need to tap into the collaborative capacity and creativity of communities, informed by science and grounded in the wisdom of the Aboriginal cultures of each place.
I have extensive experience working on projects with multiple collaborators to achieve ecological sustainability.
I have worked across three Eastern Australian states supporting communities striving to find a balance between nature conservation, social justice, and land use.
I have a good understanding of the dynamic interplay between human society and nature gained from experience working with people in urban and rural landscapes with individuals and communities.
My experiential social-ecological learning has been recently enhanced through the Masters of Social Change and Community Development where I dived deep into the social aspect but always within an ecological context e.g. I completed the unit Implemented Resilience which focused on developing a strategy for social-ecological resilience in an Australian place.
I also completed the Australia Progress Fellowship in Advocacy and Campaigning.
#BiodivesityConservation #socialjustice #SocialChange #CommunityDevelopment #Ecology #ecologicalrestoration #SocialEcologicalResilience #CommunityDevelopment #Advocacy #Campaigns #RegenerativeEconomy #DonuntEconomics #RgenerativeCultures #IndigenousCultures #InterBeing #BuildingResilience #harmonywithnature
Joined 2019
Sarajevo, Bosnia and HerzegovinaAdd your project
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