Director of CeDRATOM, University of Toliara
I am an Africanist Anthropologist-Archaeologist-Historian. I received my License es lettres (BA) in History from the University of Toliara (Madagascar), my MA in Archaeology from the University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), and my MPhil and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Yale University (USA). I participated in archaeological research projects conducted in different countries including the Comoros islands, Kenya, Madagascar, Peru, and Tanzania. My research interests include human-environment interactions, settlement patterns, indigenous knowledge, rock art, and regional interactions. My current projects are looking at the resilience of communities in the face of climate change in south and southwest Madagascar.
Joined 2022
Centre de Documentation et de Recherche sur l’Art et la Tradition Orale de Madagascar (CeDRATOM)
Toliara, Madagascar