Management Accountant
I aim to be low carbon foot print person who lives a simple life, only keeping what is truly important to me. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I prefer that people do not drive, do not travel abroad, do not over-use a fridge, a cooker, a hoover, a dishwasher or washing machine, not run too many baths or over-use central heating, not use smart phones or any other device that is heavy power user.
I believe the main causes of global warming, climate crisis and other social ills is the majority of people have belief systems and practices which are not aligned with the spirit of the universe. I believe true worldly and future success lies in submitting to and believing in the Lord of the universe and following the manual and explanations he revealed to His final Messenger which superseded all previous mandates from Him. "And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." Quran - Chapter 3, verse 85.
Joined 2022
London, United Kingdom