My name is Raheem Smith I am a youth climate activist and environmentalist. I am apart of the Caribbean Youth Environment Network Grenada chapter in which I am the current secretary of the organisation. I am the founder and president of T.E.A.M a college based club that was formed to help students to become more environmentally conscious. When it comes to climate change adaptation and mitigation practices are two solutions that come to mind. Mainly because they deal with the ways in which we are going to solve the climate change crisis. I am an aspiring climate change scientist and have my goals set on being one the co-chairs of the IPCC. Climate diplomacy and politics are of particular interest to me I always like finding and answer to the problem and I believe with solutions such ad Nature based solutions and ecosystem based solutions and climate based solutions we can have a healthier environment.
Joined 2020
Caribbean Youth Environment Network
St. George's, Grenada