Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, CSIC

The Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE) is one of the 24 Natural Resources research centres of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) integrated in the Life Area. It has two headquarters, one in Jaca (Huesca) and another in Zaragoza and its main mission is to contribute to the understanding of the functioning and structure of terrestrial systems and the organisms that live there. They investigate the changes that occur in these systems as a consequence of Global Change, including climate variability and human activities, and provide the scientific bases for their conservation and management.
In the context of the CSIC, they are distinguished by an integrative scientific strategy in terrestrial ecology and Global Change, with a dual holistic and historical facet. Although research is carried out in mountain ecosystems, the efforts of the scientific staff and researchers of the IPE cover other geographical contexts in Europe, Africa, America and Oceania.