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Swiss NGO DRR Platform

The Swiss NGO DRR Platform is a network of NGO professionals dedicated to increase the resilience of women and men, communities and governments to all aspects of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. 

The Platform strives for enhanced quality of Swiss NGO services related to disaster risk and climate change, promotes the diversity of know-how and experience, provides guidance for increased effectiveness and advocates for the importance of risk-informed development, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation for increased resilience.  

The Platform serves as a forum for its members to facilitate activities based on the following three pillars:  

  • Exchange and learning: practitioners’ workshops and learning events in Switzerland and abroad, annual F2F event, webinars.  
  • Conceptual support and technical advice: methodologies for the operationalization of concepts, collection of good practices and tools, guidance for quality control.  
  • Advocacy and policy dialogue: contribution to implementing the Sendai Framework for DRR, the SDGs and other policy instruments, participation in Swiss and international networks and alliances. 

The current programme focuses on the following five topics:  

  • DRR and CCA mainstreaming in projects and programmes  
  • Humanitarian-Development Nexus / Linking relief, rehabilitation and development  
  • Nature-based solutions, including ecosystem-based DRR, ecosystem-based adaptation, and green infrastructure  
  • Climate change – make DRR practitioners fit for climate change
  • Leaving no one behind – towards an inclusive and risk-informed development agenda  

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