Driving the Interface through Renewed Climate Change Adaptation Research: Youths and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Malawi

Launched in 2006, the Malawi National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) prioritizes climate variability adaptation options in Malawi. However, it is evident from the priorities and subsequent programmes set that the role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) and Youths is given little attention. This has resulted in misplaced research technologies and poor adoption of different useful climate change adaptation strategies. This paper thus aims at developing a framework through which climate change adaptation research prioritizes indigenous knowledge systems and takes cognizance of the role of the youths. The study has revealed that most research work on climate change adaptation options in Malawi focus more on technologies advanced from science; with no particular regard for indigenous methods of adaptation which if supported can reduce poor people’s vulnerability to the impact of climate change. In addition, the youths have not been actively involved in climate change research and adaptation work. The paper therefore proposes a framework through which IKS and youth involvement can be prioritized in climate change adaptation work.