GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Strengthening community management and livestock farmers’ livelihoods for conserving high mountain forests and grasslands of Mexico
This solution was originally published on thePANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform. You can find additional information on this solution, including the 'building blocks' behind it and a story describing its impact, in thefull solution entry on PANORAMA.
Funding and implementation of climate change adaptation measures in high mountain indigenous communities through the Fund for the Tungurahua Paramos Management and the Fight Against Poverty, Ecuador
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm8FvCwuyV0 FPLPT Project description https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7v6ZaAtExs Equator Prize 2019 winner project The Fund for the Tungurahua Paramos Management and the Fight...
Climate change and security in Nepal: Pilot intervention
The project was envisioned to strengthen the capacity in Nepal to identify environment and climate change-related security risks at community,...
Building climate resilience of vulnerable and food insecure communities through capacity strengthening and livelihood diversification in mountainous regions of Tajikistan
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the World Food Programme
Food-IAP: Establishment of the Upper Tana Nairobi Water Fund (UTNWF)
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf ofIFAD, The Nature Conservancy, and the Government of Kenya.
Climate smart actions and strategies in north western Himalayan region for sustainable livelihoods of agriculture-dependent hill communities
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
Enhancing resilience of communities to the adverse effects of climate change on food security, in Pichincha Province and the Jubones River basin
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of theMinistry of Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture (MAG), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and other local implementing partners.
Climate Smart Integrated Rural Development Project, Ethiopia
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of the Federal Government of Ethiopia
Increasing the adaptive capacity of local communities, ecosystems and hydroelectric systems in the Río Blanco upper watershed with a focus on Ecosystem and Community Based Adaptation and Integrated Adaptive Watershed Management.
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of theDevelopment Bank of Latin America (CAF), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador (MoE).
Adaptation to Climate Impacts in Water Regulation and Supply for the Area of Chingaza – Sumapaz – Guerrero, Colombia
This solution has been uploaded by Julia Aguilera on behalf of IDB