best practice
Video series “How to effectively restore mangroves”
Watch this video series by Wetlands International to learn about the challenges mangroves face worldwide and strategies to restore them.
Webinar: Connecting knowledge to policy and practice
A webinar exploring potential synergies and collaboration between European national, regional and transnational climate adaptation (knowledge) platforms (CAPs), focussing on policy and practice.
Best practice guidelines for mangrove restoration
The guidelines aim to build a shared understanding of best practices around mangrove management, and in doing so, to facilitate scaling up of cost effective, inclusive, and successful restoration.
Overcoming Constraints in Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from the MAIA Roundtable in Portugal
The first MAIA Roundtable was developed on May 18 in the LNEC (National Civil Engineering Laboratory) in Lisbon, Portugal. The theme of the event was “Climate Change Adaptation: Gaps from Good Practices to Good Policies in Portugal” and it gathered relevant policymakers and institutional representatives that have a significant influence at the regional and national level in the topic of climate change adaptation. Read the key insights in this article.
Climate, DRR and Environment Nexus Brief: Mountains in a Changing Climate
This nexus brief synthesizes the findings of recent publications on mountains and climate change and looks at strategies for successful adaptation.
Afforestation Guide for Southern Ontario
The purpose of this guide is to provide information and best practices regarding the establishment and management of afforestation areas in Ontario, Canada.
A compilation of good practices, tools and available data collection initiatives for the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation
This report combines case studies globally concerning the types and applications of local, indigneous and traditional knowledge for climate change adaptation.
Climate Risk and Vulnerability: A Handbook for Southern Africa (2nd Edition)
An updated version of the popular handbook outlining projected climate change, sectoral impacts and responses (adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and accessing climate finance) in southern Africa
Engaging stakeholders and building ownership for climate adaptation: best practice from Southern Egypt
This report highlights the tools and structures utilised to engage stakeholders and build ownership in the “Building Resilient Food Security Systems to Benefit the Southern Egypt Region” project.