community participation
Harnessing Nature to Build Climate Resilience: Scaling Up the Use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Discover the role of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in helping societies globally adapt to climate change; the current trends in EbA's implementation; and how EbA can be successfully applied in both policy and practice.
Meaningful participation in urban ecosystem-based adaptation – how can it work?
Discover how urban ecosystem-based adaptation approaches can foster participation and inclusiveness through a series of global examples in this short blog.
Participatory Assessment of Climate and Disaster Risk
The PACDR is a Hazard Vulnerability Capacity Assessment Tool, designed to conduct participatory community assessments providing the basis for effective and sustainable adaptation strategies.
ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)
This article summarises the ASFCC programme that has developed and integrated social forestry approaches into the climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies of ASEAN and the member states.
The PICSA Approach
Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) is a collaborative project aimed to support farmers with locally relevant weather and climate information.
How Integrated Vulnerability Assessments Support NAP Processes in the Pacific Region
This briefing note highlights the significance of the IVA Framework to the NAP processes underway in three Pacific island states: Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands.
The first app to empower citizens against floods, wildfires and extreme weather events
The app enables its users to share pictures and other information on natural hazards and provides extensive information from multiple sources about the risks of suffering from these threats.
Communicating climate change for adaptation: Challenges, successes and future priorities
Communicating climate change to communities in semi-arid regions remains a difficult task.
Planning and Implementing Rural Adaptation Initiatives in the Lower Mekong: Integrating Climate Science and Local Knowledge
This comprehensive report demonstrates an integrative process for combining climate science and community knowledge to support climate change adaptation planning in the Lower Mekong Basin.
Conservation Organizations Need to Consider Adaptive Capacity: Why Local Input Matters
This article discusses why adaptive capacity assessment represents a critical tool supporting conservation planning and management. It also evaluates key factors guiding conservation NGOs.