Online course: Forest and land monitoring for climate action
Follow this FAO course to learn how to apply high-resolution satellite imagery to critical forest and land monitoring in tropical forest countries.
Climate Information and Services: UN CC:e-Learn tutorial
This UN CC:e-Learn tutorial introduces climate information and services and their application in decision-making. It specifically aims to build capacities of African decision-makers.
Cities and climate change – UN CC:e-Learn short course
Discover how cities are being affected by, and contributing to climate change in this online UN CC:e-Learn course. Learn about how climate change adaptation and mitigation can be considered in urban planning, and find links to other UN resources on climate change for more in-depth and specific information.
Ecosystem-based adaptation for beginners edX MOOC course
This EbA course will equip learners with transferable and replicable skills in designing and implementing EbA initiatives by offering targeted training on key principles, risk assessments, monitoring, and governance.
Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning UN CC:e-Learn online course
Considering ecosystem approaches as part of national development planning has always been challenging for many countries around the world. Through its three modules, this course will highlight the key concepts, tools, examples and steps for integrating EbA in the NAP process.
Climate Change: From Learning to Action – UN CC:eLearn Online Course
Explore this 6 module course, created by experts from WMO, UNFCCC Secretariat and UN Environment, which provides an introduction to climate change, its effects, and adaptation options through videos, activities, and quizzes.
Y-Adapt: CCA youth engagement curriculum
Y-Adapt is a youth engagement curriculum, developed by the RC Climate Centre that helps young people to both understand climate change and to take practical action to adapt in their community.
Course: Capacity building for adaptation mainstreaming, monitoring, evaluation and learning – filling a gap
This provides a description of Garama 3C short training courses on adaptation mainstreaming and M&E was offering.
Webinar: Adaptation Pathways – From Concept to Practice
ASSAR, in collaboration with CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), organised a webinar on Adaptation Pathways on Friday 14 October 2016, available online here.