Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin American Landscapes
The EcoAdapt project centres on watershed ecosystem services to develop climate adaptation strategies in three model forest landscapes in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.
Draft Principles and Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Adaptation in Project and Policy Design
Ecosystem-based approaches to reduce social vulnerability are a promising option for sustainable and efficient adaptation to climate change. Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) is part of overall adaptation, and takes into account multiple social, economic and cultural co-benefits for local communities. EbA encompasses adaptation policies and measures that take into account the role of ecosystem services in reducing societal vulnerability, through multi-sectoral and multi-level approaches.
The economic impacts of climate change in Kenya
Welcome ... This is the page for the Kenya National Advisory Committee for the DFID funded study on the Economic...
CIRCE case study on the impact of climate change in the Judean Foothills
Landscape around the Judean Foothills The Judean foothills are located in the southern part of Israel between the Mediterranean and...