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Find the latest blogs and opinion pieces from the weADAPT community here.


Just transition: can 2025 bring renewed global focus?

This blog explores the outcomes of COP29’s stalled negotiations on the Just Transition Work Programme, emphasizing the need for renewed focus in 2025 to manage transition risks for vulnerable groups and align just transition principles with global climate and development goals.

Did COP29 advance the UNFCCC Global Goal on Adaptation?

COP29 will leave a very small legacy in the pursuit of an adequate adaptation response, with modest steps like the launch of the Baku Adaptation Road Map overshadowed by a lack of courage, imagination and ambition.

Lessons on (un)preparedness and (in)action from Spain

This piece discusses how recent floods in Spain, worsened by climate change, reveal significant gaps in emergency preparedness and disaster response, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and systemic reform to mitigate future risks.

Q&A: What will happen at COP 29?

Ahead of negotiations in Baku, IISD’s Earth Negotiations Bulletin Team Lead Jennifer Bansard examines the agenda and breaks down what to watch as eyes turn to Azerbaijan.