FAQ – How can my organisation collaborate with weADAPT?
How can my organisation collaborate with weADAPT?
There are multiple ways in which organisations, researchers, project managers and other platforms can collaborate with weADAPT. The text below describes some of them. This is not an exhaustive list and the weADAPT team are keen to explore new ways of collaborating.
Become an Editor:
weADAPT undertakes collaborations and projects with a number of partners, all designed to enrich and improve the utility of the weADAPT platform for a diverse audience of users. If you are part of an organisation that would like to become a weADAPT Knowledge Partner please contact [email protected] with a description of how you would like weADAPT to support your work.
weADAPT is a distributed platform that relies on a diverse array of experts to peer-review contributed content and build the community. These individuals and organisations are weADAPT Editors, who are responsible for reviewing content, or are heavily involved with the development of an existing Theme on weADAPT. Editors also act as weADAPT ‘champions’ by contributing, and encouraging others to contribute articles and case studies and engaging in discussions around the site.
Become a Theme Editor:
Becoming a Theme Editor gives the individual(s) and organisation(s) high visibility within that thematic space, and the opportunity to develop that space through content curation and dialogue that forwards research and practice in that area. They can also use the theme-specific discussion forums to host topic-specific dialogues on specific aspects of that area of climate change adaptation.
Host your own Network:
Hosting a Network on weADAPT allows organisations or researchers to create and host their own branded knowledge-sharing space on weADAPT’s Networks page. These spaces allow individuals and organisations to facilitate their networks to share their work with the larger climate change adaptation community, and provide an online space in which they can showcase project outputs and connect with organisations and individuals relevant to their project. They can be open to external contributions, so providing opportunity for interaction with the community, or closed to external contributions, so providing a go-to space for people to explore all the outputs from a specific programme or consortium. All Networks sharing content on weADAPT have a responsibility to ensure its quality before it is published.
Basic weADAPT Networks provide a platform for online publishing, and a ready built opportunity to form new networks of collaborators. Further options are available, including advanced analytics and ratings systems – contact the weADAPT team for more information at [email protected].
Develop a weADAPT microsite:
weADAPT microsites are a service that allow organisations and networks to build their own bespoke websites at a fraction of the normal cost and in a way that ensures the visibility of knowledge products beyond the lifetime of any project.
These individually customised websites benefit from weADAPT in many ways: through its rich knowledge base, active social media channels, popular newsletter, growing levels of website traffic, and ultimately through the connections that allow knowledge products to meaningfully connect to the weADAPT community worldwide.
Additional website benefits include unique website design, branding and URLs as needed. At the same time, these bespoke websites will be powered by the same state-of-the-art tools and technology underlying weADAPT.org.
Find out more about weADAPT microsites.
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Do you have a report or case study to share, do you want to undertake research and learn from other’s experiences, or are you hoping to connect, discuss and collaborate with others?
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Request a new password.
When you request a new password you will receive an email. Please follow the link and update your password immediately.
Create an account
Register for a free weADAPT account and start adding your projects. If you already have an account then please log in.