Find the latest articles on climate change adaptation and related issues.
Understanding the Global Goal on Adaptation: the road from Dubai to Belém
This technical briefing offers a concise overview of the current state of GGA negotiations after COP29 in November 2024, including summarized information on how Parties, experts, and other actors are working to develop indicators and address a range of cross- cutting and emerging issues.
Trump 2.0 and the future of global climate action (Make change happen podcast)
About ‘Make Change Happen’ provides informal insights into IIED’s work to create positive change and make the complex issues we...
Justice and equity in climate change adaptation: overview of an emerging agenda
This paper explores current trends in understanding, prioritizing, and implementing just resilience in research and policy, emphasizing justice and equity in climate adaptation and resilience.
From Cali to Belem: Subnational governments leading nature action to adapt to climate change
The RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2024 highlights the adaptation efforts of subnational governments worldwide. It emphasizes the critical connection between biodiversity and climate resilience, showcasing strategies that integrate nature-based solutions to address these twin crises and highligting 12 stories of progress.
Developing skills for women leadership in climate action – UN CC:e-Learn course
Empower yourself to lead inclusive, equitable climate actions with this course designed to inspire and equip women and girls with the skills needed to tackle the climate crisis.
Harnessing Nature-based Solutions for economic recovery
This study reviews the role of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in economic recovery, highlighting their potential to generate income, create diverse employment opportunities, and enhance community resilience while addressing biodiversity and climate challenges.
Unlocking NGO potential for effective weather, water and climate services
This report explores how NGOs can strengthen weather, water, and climate services (WWCS) to enhance disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, offering practical recommendations, case studies, and tools to bridge gaps between scientific data and vulnerable communities for resilient development.
UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2024: Come hell and high water
The Adaptation Gap Report (AGR) 2024 provides its annual assessment on progress in adaptation planning, implementation and finance. It shows that, while inching forward on adaptation planning, collectively developing countries are falling behind on implementation because of the enormous gap between adaptation finance needs and flows.
Harnessing Ecosystem-based Adaptation to drive progress on implementing the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
This report offers consolidated evidence, guidance and case studies on ecosystem-based adaptation to support the uptake of EbA across national strategies and plans for all three Rio Conventions, and to inform the development of revised national biodiversity and climate commitments.
Good practices in accessing and delivering adaptation finance to support Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries
The article outlines strategies and innovative practices to enhance access to and delivery of adaptation finance for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), emphasizing the importance of equitable, country-led mechanisms and innovative financing approaches to address climate vulnerabilities effectively.