Services – what you can do on weADAPT!

Free services
At weADAPT we want everyone to be part of the conversation, so most of our services are completely free to use.
weADAPT aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and policy makers to actively share knowledge and learn from each other on issues relating to climate change adaptation, so that adaptation activities across the world can be as well-informed as possible.
All the information on the site is also accessible without registering on the platform. Find out more about how how you can use weADAPT for research and learning here.
Registration is only required if you would like to share information or receive notifications about activity around the site.
Share & Connect
Do you have a story, case study, field report, research paper or similar, linked to climate change adaptation that you would like to share? weADAPT is interested in all content that provides some reflection on activities carried out and shares lessons learned – this allows better planning of future work and the scaling up of successful ideas! Find out how to share your work here.
Sharing your work on weADAPT also makes it visible to many potential collaborators, who can get in touch with you via your weADAPT and/or your organisation’s profile. Find out more about this here.
We share everything on weADAPT through our active social media channels: Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Announcements, Questions and Discussions
Do you have an announcement to make or want start a discussion on a particular topic? Then try our Discussion Forums! Posts to these discussions trigger a notification to members of the theme area you are posting about, so are a great way of getting a conversation going or alerting others to an event. We also share these over social media to increase their impact.
If you want to know more about a particular study or have a suggestion for it you can also comment directly on articles and case studies – just scroll down the page to find the comment box after the Further Resources section.
Services with costs or in-kind contributions

During our time as a knowledge platform we have noted many needs amongst the climate change adaptation community. While we have tried to meet these for free as far as possible, some require greater time and financial investment than we can justify on a day-to-day basis.
Below are services that we have developed in response to needs and requests from collaborators, and that we believe are useful to our knowledge partners and collaborators.
Knowledge legacy
Projects can contribute their findings and outputs to weADAPT for free as they progress. However, this isn’t always possible due to time and donor restraints, and so ‘knowledge products’ may only be made available on project websites. What we have found is that when the project funding stops, these websites often fall by the wayside, so any content that has not been shared on other platforms may be lost or become difficult to find.
weADAPT can support projects looking to maintain high visibility and accessibility to their resources to transfer their products onto weADAPT. We can also host specialised online resources (for example the Gender Sourcebook). Costs are based on required knowledge management time and potential technical development (e.g. in the case of specialised resources). If this is of interest to you please get in touch with us to discuss options at [email protected].
Of course, due to the nature of this service, it is important to get in touch with us as soon as possible to discuss your needs, so that effective communication and visibility of the project can continue, after it has ended.
Host your own network!
If your organisation, group or project is producing a lot of information relevant to climate change adaptation that you would like to make visible to the adaptation community, you can host your own area on weADAPT.
Networks allow you to put all of your contributions on one (branded) place on the platform. They also allow for more flexibility in what content you share, e.g. featuring more blogs and project updates. This content still links to our other thematic spaces and content on weADAPT. Networks bring a lot of visibility as we share and promote the content in them just as we do for all weADAPT content.
Our new microsites service allows organisations and networks to build their own bespoke websites at a fraction of the normal cost. Moreover, the service also ensures the visibility of knowledge products beyond the lifetime of any project.
These individually customised websites benefit from weADAPT in many ways: through its rich knowledge base, active social media channels, popular newsletter, growing levels of website traffic, and ultimately through the connections that allow knowledge products to meaningfully connect to the weADAPT community worldwide.
Compared to the knowledge legacy service, additional website benefits include unique website design, branding and URLs if needed. At the same time, these bespoke websites will be powered by the same state-of-the-art tools and technology underlying
Find out more about Microsites here.
Want to know more? Get in touch with us at [email protected].