Discover adaptation good practice and lessons learned.
NATURETHON | From global to glocal: Financing NbS for climate action and urban adaptation
This webinar discusses financing frameworks with an impact, drawing special attention to cities and the social value of nature-inspired solutions for adaptation in the urban environment.
How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation
A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.
Boosting community adaptation with a thriving private sector
This piece explores how to engage and mobilize the private sector to deliver sustainable and transformative adaptation at scale in a way that works for the most vulnerable.
Webinar: Mobilizing IPCC Evidence on Gender, Equity, and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation
In this webinar, IPCC authors, researchers, practitioners, and advocates will discuss the key findings of the IPCC related to gender, equity, and justice and explore how they can be applied, towards more just and effective adaptation.
From words to action: implementing biodiversity and climate strategies for resilient societies
From words to action is a series of six events held by SEI’s global centres. The series will launch at an online event, with keynotes from the Chairs of the IPCC and IPBES. SEI presenters will discuss tools and evidence from the SEI research landscape which demonstrate the win-wins of acting on biodiversity and climate in concert.
11 young climate leaders on how today’s youth can make a difference 🌍
Meet 11 inspiring young climate leaders, explore what fuels their passion for climate action, and learn about their insights on how today's Youth can make a difference.
The unjust climate: Measuring impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth
Discover how climate change is widening inequalities among rural poor, women, and youth, and explore actionable solutions to protect the most vulnerable in this FAO report.
Climate anxiety toolbox: a resource guide for young people facing climate anxiety and grief
Explore these useful resources (all free) for dealing with climate anxiety, ranging from articles, to courses, to places to speak to someone about how you’re feeling.
Towards inclusive climate action: Lessons from tackling structural barriers to gender equality and social inclusion
This session will offer an opportunity to reflect on what barriers and enablers of inclusive locally led adaptation look like, and how we can work together toward more inclusive climate action.
Interview: Why trust, not cash, is key to locally led adaptation
This blog explains why donors should put CASH – ‘compassion, accountability, security and honour’ – at the heart of efforts to help local communities build resilience to climate change.