Community Based Adaptation (CBA)
This theme aims to support and connect people working to empower communities to adapt to climate change and features monthly collaborative learning CBA forums.
How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation
A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.
Boosting community adaptation with a thriving private sector
This piece explores how to engage and mobilize the private sector to deliver sustainable and transformative adaptation at scale in a way that works for the most vulnerable.
Towards inclusive climate action: Lessons from tackling structural barriers to gender equality and social inclusion
This session will offer an opportunity to reflect on what barriers and enablers of inclusive locally led adaptation look like, and how we can work together toward more inclusive climate action.
Interview: Why trust, not cash, is key to locally led adaptation
This blog explains why donors should put CASH – ‘compassion, accountability, security and honour’ – at the heart of efforts to help local communities build resilience to climate change.
Enabling equitable Southern leadership: innovations, challenges and the road to accelerating local climate action
This webinar will surface the challenges of Southern-led partnerships, what it means to lead for climate action, and how the principles for equitable partnerships come into play.
Recording: Unlocking finance for locally led adaptation: Overcoming blockages and getting money to where it’s needed most
This webinar explored concrete efforts to facilitate access to quality finance for locally led adaptation.
Leading the way : How Indigenous youth combat climate change through land rights
Listen to a recording of this Land Dialogue on 11 April 2024 which explored the dynamic relationship between land tenure systems and climate resilience through the lens of Indigenous Peoples and local community youth.
The role of indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in Africa
This study documents evidence of the potential of Indigenous and local knowledge in reducing vulnerability to climate change and/or improving the resilience of communities.
Learning from Arts and Humanities approaches to building Climate Resilience in the UK
This book chapter shares insights from five arts and humanities-led UK Climate Resilience Programme (UKCR) projects, presenting key learnings and pathways for future research and policy interventions.
In appreciation of Prof Saleemul Huq (1952-2023)
"His work for climate justice was tireless and we all have a responsibility to take that work forward”. We want to express our profound sadness at the passing of Prof Saleemul Huq, who was a tireless and inspiring champion for climate change adaptation and capacity-building for vulnerable people and communities worldwide.