Paris Agreement
“Must-haves” for adaptation finance in the New Collective Quantified Goal
This brief outlines the “must-haves” for the NCQG: what the goal must include to ensure funding meets the objectives of sufficient, effective and equitable climate adaptation.
What could the new Climate Finance Goal look like? 7 elements under negotiation
This article highlights the essential components necessary for establishing the New Climate Finance Goal at COP29. It outlines the challenges of mobilizing resources and aligning global financial systems to effectively tackle climate adaptation and mitigation.
A participant guide to the UN Climate Change process. A UN CC:e-Learn course
Climate Adaptation Training Annotation Level: Introductory Time commitment: 3 hours Learning product: online course (self-paced) Sector: multiple Language: English Certificate...
Introduction to Sustainable Finance: UN CC:e-Learn course
Learn about the basics of Sustainable Finance in this interactive and practice-oriented course! It covers sustainable finance instruments, methodologies and frameworks for integrating sustainability into financial decisions, key global sustainable finance initiatives, and sustainable finance regulations.
Advancing climate policy: harnessing Indigenous knowledge at the science-policy interface
Learn about Indigenous Peoples’ experience in climate policy negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the importance of bridging Indigenous and scientific knowledge systems in this SEI policy brief.
Youth Engagement with the Global Goal on Adaptation
Explore what young people think about the Global Goal on Adaptation in this report by the Global Center on Adaptation. It provides an insight into a series of worldwide youth consultations on adaptation, and discusses the role of the youth in the international climate adaptation agenda.
ZEROing IN on this critical decade for climate: Insights from the latest IPCC reports on the Paris Agreement, 1.5°C, and climate impacts
The latest ZERO INreport from the CONSTRAIN project dives into the science set out in the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments. It investigates what our climate future could look like, depending on whether we take action in line with the Paris Agreement, or decide to follow current national policies and plans.
Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning UN CC:e-Learn online course
Considering ecosystem approaches as part of national development planning has always been challenging for many countries around the world. Through its three modules, this course will highlight the key concepts, tools, examples and steps for integrating EbA in the NAP process.
Climate Change Management Support in Peru
Discover how GestionCC has supported the national Government of Peru as well as its regional governments in the context of their climate change policy and NDC commitments.
Human Rights in the Process of National Adaptation Planning: Insights from a Review of Submitted NAPs
Learn about the outcomes of mapping conducted on multisectoral NAPs available in 2020-2021. This study discusses entry points to ensure that human rights principles are meaningfully integrated and guide the NAP process.