Madeleine Guyer
Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning UN CC:e-Learn online course
Considering ecosystem approaches as part of national development planning has always been challenging for many countries around the world. Through its three modules, this course will highlight the key concepts, tools, examples and steps for integrating EbA in the NAP process.
Online Course: Advancing on REDD+
Learn about advancing REDD+ through the REDD+ e-Academy, comprising two e-courses which provide an overview of key REDD+ issues with the aim of empowering participants to contribute to a well-informed national REDD+ process.
Fundamentals on REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradations
Fundamentals on REDD+ online course covers the basics from the elements required under the UNFCCC to how implement REDD+ at the national level including financial resource available.
National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture MOOC
There is a crucial connection between climate change adaptation, agriculture and sustainable development. This massive open online course (MOOC) presents key elements for this nexus, such as gender, NAPs, traditional knowledge, and links to other sectors, such as forestry.
The SDC’s Engagement for Clean Air for All
The SDC supports partners around the world in tackling climate change and in improving air quality while reducing poverty, improving health and protecting the environment.