Myriam Steinemann
Solar Irrigation for Agriculture Resilience in South Asia (SoLAR)
The SDC-funded SoLAR project aims to promote solar irrigation as a water-energy solution for climate-resilient and socially inclusive agrarian livelihoods in South Asia.
Sustainable Diet UN CC:e-Learn course
This UN CC: e-Learn course will support you to learn how your food habits and daily choices are affecting your health and that of the planet. You will gain the skills and knowledge to make your diet healthier and more sustainable.
Sustainable Diet UN CC:e-Learn course
This UN CC: e-Learn course will support you to learn how your food habits and daily choices are affecting your health and that of the planet. You will gain the skills and knowledge to make your diet healthier and more sustainable.
Farmer responses to solar irrigation in India: Agent-based modelling to understand sustainable transitions
This study applies an agent-based modelling method in the context of solar irrigation and its likely impact on farmers’ incomes and groundwater sustainability in India.
Climate Information and Services: UN CC:e-Learn tutorial
This UN CC:e-Learn tutorial introduces climate information and services and their application in decision-making. It specifically aims to build capacities of African decision-makers.