May Aung
My work focuses on designing and delivering climate finance to least developed countries at different levels of governance...
How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation
A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.
For International Women’s Day: Spotlight on weADAPT’s women editors
For International Women's day, we would like to acknowledge and spotlight our women editors - they keep the platform running!
Locally Led Adaptation: From Principles to Practice
Explore 21 global examples of approaches and mechanisms to advance locally led adaptation, which positions local actors as key decision-makers in climate adaptation. Learn about how these approaches can be successfully implemented in practice.
Gender, development and sustainability – 2017 update
Insights from research across SEI that has sought to narrow the gaps between knowledge, policy and practice on gender issues, and explore directions for the future.