Anna Taylor
Anna is a geographer specializing in climate adaptation, with a focus on African cities. She is a Research Fellow at the U...
For International Women’s Day: Spotlight on weADAPT’s women editors
For International Women's day, we would like to acknowledge and spotlight our women editors - they keep the platform running!
Understanding and Supporting Climate-sensitive Decision Processes in Southern African Cities Review
Find out about recent research on how climate information is brought to bear on decision-making in southern African cities. Development of sustainable cities needs to be based on robust climate information while also involving local communities.
Climate resilient development pathways: applicability to navigating a just transition in South Africa
This article establishes the basis and sets the direction for future knowledge (co)production and planning work in relation to the adaptation and climate resilience aspects of navigating a ‘Just Transition’ in South Africa.
Co-producing climate information for Windhoek decision making
This working paper provides an overview of a project that sought to co-produce, communicate and share climate change information to improve decision-making processes for adaptation in Windhoek, Namibia.
Climate Risk in Africa: Adaptation and Resilience
This book highlights the complexities around making adaptation decisions and building resilience in the face of climate risk, using insights from sub-Saharan Africa.