community resilience
East Palo Alto Rain Garden Project – Centering communities in resilience-building
Explore the East Palo Alto Rain Garden Project, which emerged out of an extensive community engagement process all to assess East Palo Alto’s vulnerability to climate change and community priorities.
Tracking Community Perspectives on Climate Resilience in Bangladesh
In 2022, Ground Truth Solutions partnered with IIED and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), to survey the opinions of more than 2,300 citizen in three areas of Bangladesh particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The aim was to understand how they perceive the quality and impact of adaptation programmes in their communities, and the extent to which they feel their views, opinions and experiences are considered in decision-making.
Climate risk integration: A new era for aid and development programming
Learn about why system transformation of the development sector is needed to ensure development progress continues against the backdrop of increasing climate change impacts in this short blog.
Using WASH Flows in the in the development of the Tupiza watershed plan, Bolivia
Learn about how WASH Flows was used in Tupiza watershed, Bolivia; an area with limited access to water and sanitation services. Explore how the outputs allowed an evaluation the impact of potential WASH solutions.
Enhancing Community Flood Resilience in Lusaka’s Unplanned Settlements: A Case Study of Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives
Learn how different stakeholders in Lusaka define flood resilience, in terms of a desirable state to be achieved, and how community flood resilience in unplanned settlements could be enhanced according to different stakeholders.
COPE Books for Children: COVID-19
Learn about disaster risk reduction, COVID and how the virus is spread in this illustrated book for children from COPE
COPE Books for Children: Cyclones
Learn about disaster risk reduction and cyclones with this illustrated book for children from COPE. This time, the squad travels to Australia.
COPE Books for Children: Floods
Learn about disaster risk reduction and floods with this illustrated book for children from COPE.
COPE Books for Children: Earthquakes
Learn about disaster risk reduction and earthquakes with this illustrated book for children by COPE.
A Practical Guide to Climate-resilient Buildings and Communities
This guide demonstrates how buildings and community spaces can be built to increase resilience to climate change, especially in developing countries where structures are largely self-built.