Resilient Coast Santa Cruz: Cross-sector collaboration for long-term resilience
Learn about the Resilient Coast Santa Cruz (Resilient Coast) initiative which aims to address coastal adaptation for the long-term resilience of the City of Santa Cruz's coastline. Informed by scientific work and community vision, Resilient Coast utilizes an adaptation pathways approach supported by immersive and interactive tools, such as virtual reality used to facilitate community engagement.
East Palo Alto Rain Garden Project – Centering communities in resilience-building
Explore the East Palo Alto Rain Garden Project, which emerged out of an extensive community engagement process all to assess East Palo Alto’s vulnerability to climate change and community priorities.
Results and impacts of the UCSC Coastal Resilience Lab – Valuing risk reduction services provided by coastal ecosystems
In this case study the Coastal Resilience Research Lab at UCSC informs the case for the protective value of nature as a cost effective strategy to help reduce risk to people and property.
Adapting Coastal Cities and Territories to Sea Level Rise in North America – U.S. West Coast: Challenges and Leading Practices
Explore an overview of current practices and remaining challenges for coastal cities in defining and implementing adaptation strategies to sea level rise, proposed solutions, and leading practices developed across California, Oregon and Washington in the latest Ocean & Climate Platform report.
Study looks into social vulnerability to climate change impacts in the State of California
The Pacific Institute has published a study that investigates social vulnerability by groups to climate change impacts, and combines this...
Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP)
WEAP ("Water Evaluation And Planning" system) is a leading integrated water resources planning tool used by hundreds of organizations worldwide. It provides a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly framework for policy analysis.
The weADAPT Adaptation Layer for Google Earth
Working with Google Foundation the prototype has been redesigned to be an integral part of the weADAPT platform for climate change adaptation.
Google Earth Applications in California – Improving dissemination of climate adaptation information
This page provides access to applications in Google Earth and google maps that have been developed for the project working on climate change science, impacts and adaptation in California.
From Adaptation Knowledge Networks to Adaptation Stories
Objectives for improving dissemination of climate adaptation information.