Coastal resilience
Resilient Coast Santa Cruz: Cross-sector collaboration for long-term resilience
Learn about the Resilient Coast Santa Cruz (Resilient Coast) initiative which aims to address coastal adaptation for the long-term resilience of the City of Santa Cruz's coastline. Informed by scientific work and community vision, Resilient Coast utilizes an adaptation pathways approach supported by immersive and interactive tools, such as virtual reality used to facilitate community engagement.
Project Coastbusters Biogenic reefs concept
Learn about the public-private 'Coastbusters' consortium which aims to study and translate desired coastal protection functionality into designs that make use of the capability of ecosystem engineering species. In other words, does ecosystem creation and the technical design of nature-based solutions provide a more sustainable and cost-effective management approach to conventional coastal engineering?
An Introduction to Nature-based Solutions
Explore the basics of nature-based solutions as concept with example case studies through this introductory article.
Building with Nature in Indonesia: Restoring an Eroding Coastline and Inspiring Action at Scale
Learn about a landscape scale implementation of the Building with Nature approach to restore the eroding mangrove coastline in Demak, Central Java, Indonesia, while simultaneously revitalising aquaculture.
Improving the resilience of UK coastal communities
This article sheds light on the usage of resilience as a quantitative, evidence based framework for management of climatic hazards in coastal areas of the United Kingdom.
To plant or not to plant?
The last decade regular typhoon related surges in coastal areas have raised high interest for mangroves in reducing flood risk. But what does it take to do mangrove restoration properly?
Building with Nature in Indonesia – reaching scale for coastal resilience
Northern Java’s deltaic shorelines suffer from land subsidence and severe erosion, in some places more than three kilometers of land has already been taken by the sea. The "Building with Nature" approach combines nature based solutions, such as mangrove restoration, with hard-engineering techniques to restrore mangrove coastlines that reduce flood risk, erosion and saline intrusion and may be able to adapt to sea level rise.
Mi’s Coastal Adventures
Using cartoons to communicate climate change: Mi, a surfing shrimp, discovers the impact of climate change and adaptation activities in coastal communities in South East Asia. The animation movie is part of the project "Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Indonesia and Thailand".
Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Baan Tha Klong, Thailand
Summary of Adaptation Challenge Baan Tha Klong is a coastal village located in Koh Lanta district in the province of...