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Mi’s Coastal Adventures

Using cartoons to communicate climate change: Mi, a surfing shrimp, discovers the impact of climate change and adaptation activities in coastal communities in South East Asia. The animation movie is part of the project "Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Indonesia and Thailand".
Mi's coastal adventure
Mi’s Coastal Adventures

This video is also available in Indonesian (Bahasa)and Thai.

Living with climate change poses one of the greatest challenges for coastal communities which are directly impacted by the consequences such as severe flooding and coastal erosion. There is a lack of understandable information which considers the local conditions. Communities and decision makers often feel overstrained to take actions to deal with these developments. The educational animation movie “Mi’s coastal adventures” was created for students in Indonesia and Thailand to raise awareness on climate change adaptation. The movie is part of the project “Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Indonesia and Thailand”, funded by the European Union and implemented by CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V. in cooperation with CARE International Indonesia and Raks Thai Foundation.

Mi, a surfing shrimp, discovers the impact of climate change and adaptation activities in coastal communities in South East Asia. While surfing Mi is caught by a wave and gets washed up on a coast far away from her home. There she finds new friends, and takes the audience on a journey about climate change and gets to know ways to deal with the impact.

The movie aims to motivate students, community members and politicians to work together and to start activities in their communities to save and maintain their environment, which is more important than ever.

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