coastal areas
The transboundary implications of climate-related coastal migration: state of knowledge, factors of influence and policy pathways
This publication explores the transboundary implications of climate-related coastal migration and identifies the key policy pillars to facilitate adaptation and resilience in this context.
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change in the UK: A Report by the British Ecological Society
This report examines how nature-based solutions can address societal problems in the UK in ways which benefit both people and nature.
Climate Ireland
Climate Ireland connects and integrates scientific research, policy making and adaptation practice for the purposes of enhancing adaptation decision making in Ireland.
Climate-ADAPT: The European Climate Adaptation Platform
Climate-ADAPT aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change helping users to access and share data and information on climate change projections, vulnerability and adaptation.
CoastAdapt: A climate risk management tool for coastal Australia
CoastAdapt is an online coastal climate risk management framework to support adaptation to coastal climate change in Australia.
Climate impact induced crisis in Europe: an exploration of scenarios
This report examines six scenarios of climate impacts that can trigger social, political, economic or financial crises in Europe in the next decade.
Building Resilience in the Most Vulnerable Coastal Zones in Djibouti
This project piloted approaches for rehabilitating degraded watersheds and wadi shores to reduce seawater intrusion and floods in Djibouti.
Safeguarding A Coastal Community with Silvofishery
This blog describes how silvofishery has been used as an adaptation strategy to help strengthen an Indonesian coastal community’s resilience through safeguarding livelihoods and the environment.
SOLUTIONS IN FOCUS: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation from Mountains to Oceans
This publication by GIZ illustrates a selection of applied EbA measures in a variety of landscapes and ecosystems - from mountain to ocean, that can be found online at the PANORAMA platform.
The restoration of the former saltworks in the Camargue
Adaptive restoration of former saltworksin the Camargue can help wetlands recover their functionality and resilience to adapt to sea-level rise, while improving the biodiversity habitat.