John Chandratat
Training Guide: Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This training guide can be used to assist government and NGOs to prepare bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Annual Meeting Proceedings
This article hosts the proceedings from the ADAPT Asia-Pacific Annual Forums, which aimed to support capacity building and technical assisstence on financing climate change adaptation
Gender and Climate Change Adaptation: A flexible training package
This training package is a standalone capacity building program targeted at government officials and practitioners, focusing on integrating gender into climate change adaptation practices.
Guide to Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation
This guide aims to assist government and non-government agencies at all scales in preparing bankable climate change adaptation proposals to access various sources of financing.
Guidelines for Designing Bankable Adaptation Projects
This paper presents a summary of the Project Appraisal Guidelines developed in collaboration with India’s National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).